Logistics Services from Pakistan to Cyprus by Air & Sea

Pace Logistics offers Logistics Services from Pakistan to Cyprus and Cyprus to Pakistan by Air & Sea. Logistics Services play a vital role in trade between Pakistan and Cyprus. Our Sea Freight Services include full container load (FCL), Less Container load (LCL), and Break Bulk Cargo. Our air freight services include general and commercial cargo and cover incoterms 2020.  We are working with logistics companies in Cyprus. We offer customs clearance in Cyprus and CY tracking. We understand you’re looking to move goods from Pakistan to Cyprus and want peace of mind about timely and safe delivery. By choosing Pace Logistics, you can focus on your business. Your goods will arrive promptly and on time at your destination.

Sea Freight Services

Pace Logistics offers Sea Freight Services from Pakistan to Cyprus and Cyprus to Pakistan. Pakistan exports many types of Commodities to Cyprus, including Textiles & Garments, Leather Goods, Sports Goods, Surgical Instruments, Rice, Fruits, and Seafood.  Pakistan imports commodities from Cyprus, including Machinery and Mechanical Appliances, Electronic Equipment, Base Metals, Plastics, and food products. Pakistan’s essential ports, consisting of the Port of Karachi, Port Qasim, and Gwadar Port, are nicely prepared to address a wide variety of shipment sorts, which include containerized goods, bulk cargo, and liquid cargo. We arrange road transportation for your shipment from the factory, deliver it to Pakistani Ports, and later ship it to Cyprus ports.

Port of Limassol

The Port of Limassol is Cyprus’s most essential and busiest port, critical in the US’s maritime alternative. It handles an enormous amount of containerized, bulk, and trendy shipments. It serves as an essential hyperlink for Pakistani exports headed towards European markets. This efficient port ensures a smooth transition of your goods from Pakistan to their final European destinations. We handle Ex-Works, Dap, Fob, and DDP shipments from Karachi Port to Limassol.

Port of Larnaca

The Port of Larnaca, in the main, serves passenger visitors; however, it additionally handles smaller shipment operations. It has facilities to house well-known cargo and may accommodate diverse styles of vessels. While smaller than the Port of Limassol, it supports Cyprus’s maritime logistics community. Pace Logistics manages a large cargo volume, including general cargo, Project Cargo, warehousing & Storage, Consolidated Cargo, and Customs Clearance. We move your shipment from Karachi Port to Larnaca Port.    

Air Freight Services

Pace Logistics delivers air freight services connecting Pakistan and Cyprus. We ship valuable products that must be delivered securely or fragile products that must be delivered swiftly. Its reliable and cost-effective business choice is air freight, which is engaged in international trade. The Major airports in Pakistan are Jinnah International Airport in Karachi, Allama Iqbal International Airport in Lahore, and Islamabad International Airport.  We deliver your goods and air cargo tracking from Pakistani airports to Cyprus Airport.

Larnaca International Airport

Larnaca International Airport is Cyprus’s global gateway, handling much of the island’s air cargo. The airport is equipped with modern-day centers, ensuring efficient handling of diverse forms of freight. Larnaca International Airport’s large community of international connections makes it an essential hub for air freight offerings between Cyprus and Pakistan. We handle ex-works, fob, dap, and DDP incoterm shipments from Karachi Airport to Cyprus Airport.

Paphos International Airport

Paphos International Airport is located in the western part of Cyprus and, while primarily serving passenger traffic, also handles cargo flights. The airport’s facilities support the processing various types of goods, including general cargo handling, logistics and warehousing, customs, and security. Paphos International Airport supports Cyprus’s air freight network, complementing the services provided by Larnaca International Airport. We move your cargo and courier shipments from Lahore Airport to Paphos International Airport.